Why A 1st Page Google Ranking Is Important To Your Business

Google Search - Alecan Marketing

Though digital marketing continues to evolve as Google’s algorithm (which determines where your company’s website is ranked based on over 200 secret qualifiers) changes, one thing remains constant: there is nothing more important to a business’ success, online or otherwise, than securing a coveted position on Google’s First Page. Your company might be the best in town, but without a sound digital marketing strategy built on up-to-date SEO practices, your business’ website will quickly be buried under an avalanche of inferior, client-stealing competitors. The analysts at Alecan Marketing Solutions scoured the internet for statistics on the importance of a 1st Page Google Ranking; here is what we found:

Why You Should Care About Google

First, as the owner or manager of a small business, you might be tempted to ask: Aren’t there other search engines out there? Why should I care so much about Google? The answers to these questions are simple: Yes, there are, and: Because Google’s total domination renders almost all other search engines irrelevant. If increased visibility is a priority for your company – and we’re guessing it is – then only Google can deliver the kind of exposure you need to put your business on the map.

Each month in the United States, Google provides 1.17 billion unique searchers with results for almost 12 billion searches, accounting for over 65% of the total U.S. search market. Couple these statistics with the fact that approximately 93% of all buying decisions start with an online search, and Google’s overwhelming market share becomes too big to ignore. If you want to compete in today’s cutthroat digital landscape, the only way to the top is through Google.

Google'S Market Share
Google Holds The Lion’s Share of the Market, and Will For The Foreseeable Future
Why A 1st Page Ranking Is Essential To The Success of Your Business

Though at Alecan we often compare being ranked on Google’s First Page to putting up a giant billboard on the 101, taking out a full-page ad in the LA Times, or springing for a $4 million commercial spot during the Superbowl, this time, we’ll let the statistics speak for themselves: Last year, 91% of U.S. and Canadian users looked no further than Google’s First Results Page, while 8% of users stopped at Page 2 and only 1.1% continued on to Page 3. On the first page alone, the top 5 results account for 67% of all clicks, while the #1 Search Result received a whopping 33% of all traffic. 33%!

Ranking for high-value keywords is extremely difficult and can take time, but the rewards – more traffic, more leads, increased ROI, and maximum conversion rates – are well worth the patience and the investment.

Google Search Traffic By Position Number
Almost All Search Traffic Is Concentrated on Google’s First Page
What You Can Do To Get Your Business on Google’s First Page

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to boost your business’ website to Google’s First Page. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of SEO practices that contribute to your website’s overall ranking, and these practices are constantly modified and amended as Google’s ranking algorithm changes. To achieve the Page 1 results that all small business owners desire, Alecan Marketing solutions recommends developing an integrated digital marketing strategy that combines great website and mobile website design, effective on-site SEO techniques (like Blogging), powerful off-site SEO (like link-building), and inbound marketing to convince Google your website – as well as your services and products – is worthy of their top position.

Alecan Marketing - Funny Postcard About Google Rankings
This Isn’t Funny If Your Business Is On Page 2