How To Maximize Your Website’s UX

User Experience

As search engine algorithms continue to shift the focus of digital design away from traditional SEO strategies such as link-building and keyword integration and go more toward creating an optimal user experience (UX), web masters and designers must now consider a site’s functionality, aesthetics, and inherent value above almost everything else. And while it may be true that different users will experience each site differently, Alecan Marketing Solutions has identified several design trends that contribute to a positive user experience, regardless of who you are, where you’re from, or what type of device you’re using.

To make sure your website is creating the best possible UX, we recommend paying attention to the following design trends.

KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

The late, great Steve Jobs said it best: simple is beautiful. Website designs that are overly busy, cluttered, chaotic, or distracting have no place in today’s increasingly mobile digital landscape, and users will likely bounce away from your site if it looks like there’s too much going on. Increase overall UX by limiting each web page to 2-3 primary colors and 1-2 crucial elements— then cut the rest. If a visitor can’t tell what your website is selling or promoting, or can’t find the call-to-action in 5 seconds or less, you probably need to take a hatchet to your design.

Need help designing a new website or redesigning your existing site? Contact Alecan Marketing Solutions today.

Make Navigation Easy

Have you ever landed on a website and had no idea where to go? If so, you probably abandoned the site long before the business had an opportunity to sell you the product or service you were looking for. To make things easy for visitors, websites should have a consistent navigation menu (with no more than seven categories) at the top of every web page, and menu hierarchies should be intuitive and logical. Creating a clickable logo that sends users back to the homepage is also a great way to spare lost customers from having to search for the “home” menu tab.

Use Hierarchies To Signify Importance

Just as every navigation menu should have a logical hierarchy, individual web pages should follow a hierarchical structure with the most important element (the page’s topic, expressed as an <H1> tag) sitting right up at the top. Remember, most users will only spend a few seconds scanning each web page, so place all important information first and follow with <H2> and <H3> subheadings. (Note: most themes automatically change the size and color of page headings to draw users’ attention; if your theme doesn’t, we recommend doing so manually.)

Include Clear Calls-To-Action On Every Page

If a customer or clients wants to contact your business, request a quote, or sign up for your mailing list, he or she should have no problem locating the button or link to do so. Your website’s call-to-action should be ubiquitous, visible (typically CTAs come in bright color like red, orange, or green), and appear above the fold (i.e., near the top) on each web page.